
No matter where you are in your own spiritual growth, we welcome you to become a regular attender of our church!  We have people at all levels of Christian growth, from those who are seeking and investigating Christianity, to young Christians, to those who are mature in the walk with Christ.

We offer several ministry options to meet the needs of people at all levels of spiritual development. We warmly invite you to be a part of what God is doing at Harvest Fellowship!

Our Vision: “To know God, to know one another, and to make Him known”

Sunday Worship Service: 10:30am

505 Hersey St. Shambaugh, Iowa 51651

Visit our Facebook page!
Audio Sermons are available on an Archive website, here, and our older archive here


Sunday Worship Service: 10:30amBeginning at 10:30am, we spend time in worship, drawing close to the Lord and a message from the Bible that encourages us in this journey of life. Children 3-7 years old are released, halfway through the service for Children’s Church. In addition, age-graded Sunday School classes meet before service at 9:15am

Connect Group: Usually meets the 1st and 3rd Sunday each month at 6pm, in different homes. We enjoy relaxed conversation, study the Scriptures, and pray together.

Men’s & Women’s Ministry: Meet the 3rd or 4th Mondays at area restaurants to share a meal, enjoy conversation, and to encourage one-another from the Scriptures.

Youth Ministry

  • Harvest Youth Group meets every Sunday, from 9:15am to 10:15am, in the Youth Room (upstairs, south hallway). Always fun, relational and challenging
  • LIGHT Community Youth Group meets every Wednesday at Hillside Missionary Church, 7pm.

PALS Junior Youth Ministry

  • PALS stands for “Playing And Living Strong” for youth ages 8 years to 8th grade, and meets some Fridays in various locations

Children’s Ministries

  • Sundays School meets at 9:15-10:15am on Sunday for Children, Teens & and Adults.
  • Children’s Church: Children participate in the worship service and then are released during the sermon, for those 3-7 year olds.
  • Vacation Bible School: every summer (check for dates)
  • Nursery: We’ll take care of your ‘little ones,’ but there’s a CCTV if you want to stay with them

Fellowship Events

One third of our vision is “to know one another.” That means that we place a high priority upon spending time together, building friendships, and doing things together that help build that sense of family among us. So, we have grill outs, go bowling, host kid fun days, go fishing, have retreats, and things like that to draw closer to one another.

What We Provide

Ministries designed to help us to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord, to strengthen fellowship, to build friendship, and to reach out to the lost with the message of the Gospel.

What We Believe

Harvest Fellowship is a Bible-believing, Gospel-preaching, Christ-Centered church!

  • We believe the Bible is the God-breathed and inerrant Word of God.
  • We believe that salvation is by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone.
  • We believe in the Trinity—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are co-equal in Deity.
  • We believe that God is Sovereign and that man is responsible.
  • We are evangelical, desiring the salvation of all.
  • We believe that the church is God’s family and that love is an evidence that He is among us.
  • We believe in the person, work, and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the imminent return of Christ, to rescue His people, to judge the earth, and to usher in everlasting righteousness.
  • We are contemporary in style yet orthodox in belief. As someone has said, “The main things are the plain things” that are outlined in Scripture. Therefore, we avoid extremism and novel theories but stick with the simple truth of God’s Word—faith in Christ, love for God, and love for all people.
  • We are a rural church, love our farmers, and are down to earth—literally!
  • For a detailed Doctrinal Statement (as a member congregation of The Missionary Church), CLICK HERE

Contact Info

Street Address:
505 Hersey St. Shambaugh, Iowa 51651

Mailing Address:
Harvest Fellowship
PO Box 98 Shambaugh, Iowa 51651

Phone# 712-215-7353

Email: hfnet@tutanota.com

Electronic Giving


Every visitor wonders: “What’s it like at XYZ church?” Here’s a brief description of what it’s like to visit us for a Sunday service:

  • Service starts at 10:30am, but come a little early and enjoy good coffee at our Coffee cafe
  • You enter the church building. A few people are out in the foyer, having coffee and conversation. Some friendly person will likely come up and say “hi” and “welcome”
  • Entering the sanctuary, the atmosphere is casual. Very few are “dressed up.” Friendly conversations and the sounds of children fill the air
  • Service begins and we stand, sing, and worship for 20-25 minutes. Music is a contemporary style with the occasional hymn—more like what you might hear on KLOVE Radio. Some people raise their hands in worship.
  • After the singing, the Service Leader greets the people, shares some Scripture, and gives the announcements. 
  • After the announcements,  we release children, 3-7 years old for Children’s Church, and infants & toddlers to the nursery.
  • The pastor preaches about a 40 minute message, usually an exposition on a passage of Scripture—often teaching a series through books of the Bible.
  • Service concludes before noon with prayer and/or a song, and prayer ministers are available up front to pray with anyone who would like prayer.
  • Overall, we are an informal and down-to-earth people, who desire to know God better, to grow in Christian maturity, to build a sense of family among us, and above all, to make much of Jesus!

Leadership Team

Our leadership structure is primarily an Eldership, but our Church Council includes the ministry servants (Deacons). The Senior Pastor serves as our Head Elder but the voice of each elder carries equal weight. Therefore, we operate as a team and share the load of ministry—seeking the glory of God and the good of His people!

PASTOR: Scott (& Patricia) Denham

WORSHIP LEADER: Jeff (& Rachel) Turner

Elders @ Harvest Fellowship: Jeff Turner, Gene McMullen, Ron Hoskins, Jon Brenneman, and Scott Denham

Church Leadership Council is comprised of both Elders and Deacons. In addition to the Elders, the Deacons are: Denise Giesken (Compassionate Ministries), Jilisa McIntyre (Member at Large), Scott McIntyre (Head Usher), Alison Hartstack (Christian Education), Mahala Parker (Council Secretary),  Jeff Turner (Chairman & CFO), Gene McMullen (Vice-Chairman)

Harvest Fellowship is a part of The Great Plains Region of churches in The Missionary Church, an Evangelical Denomination committed to Church Planting and World Missions, which includes over 2,000,000 people in 2200 congregations, and 1100 missionaries in 100 countries. Our District also oversees Timber Lakes Camp and Retreat Center near Ottawa, Kansas, 245 beautifully wooded acres.